Aku agak peduli rupanya
Polar Bear asked.
"What do you think about the plan to allocate 10% for non-bumiputra to gain admittance into UiTM?"
"Whaaa~? There's only bumiputra in UiTM? I never knew that?"
"Duhh, teruk gila you ni. Memang UiTM gitu kot."
"Mana I nak tahu, nobody told me that. No wonder la outcome dia mostly sucks."
"So, what do you think about it?"
"I think it's a good move, competition sikit. Kalau semua kelompok kaum sendiri macam mana nak maju?"
"Yeah, but budak-budak UiTM tengah protes."
"Eh, kenapa nak protes?"
"Yeah lah, something about their hak and keistimewaan orang Melayu tu."
Aiks. Kata tadi bumiputra. Setahu aku yang benar-benar sebenar-benarnya bumiputra adalah golongan pribumi, orang-orang Asli. Melayu ni dapat tempias sahaja, sebab dia sampai dulu dari yang Cina dan yang India saja. Awat depa yang sebok nak protes dengan alasan lagu tu?
Ibu aku risaukan future adik lelaki aku yang malas. I'm absolutely clueless about how else to inspire greatness, so sekarang aku tidak lagi membebel, cuma impose some rules here and there to enforce discipline, serta resort to berdoa sahaja. Regarding the rules, #4 tidak berpuas hati kerana dia yang memang sudah berdisiplin dan rajin terpaksa di'punish' juga kerana kemalasan abangnya. Aku cuba justify.
"It's okay, next year when you have your major exams, everybody else will lose the privileges like you would."
"But by that time Abang would be in university, so #5 saja yang akan suffer my fate now!"
"Your brother? University? With that result? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAH."
Mak aku mencelah.
"Dengar tu, people laugh at the idea of YOU going to university."
"University apa yang nak terima awak dengan result macam tu? Siapa yang nak bagi scholarship dengan result macam tu? You have to buck up man. I don't want you to go to some loser uni. I suggest you get into UIA, paling-paling hina IPTA I'll let you get into pun is UM."
Mak aku bersuara ganggu aku membebel. "Alah, masuk UiTM saja."
"Ah, hell no. Nak mati? Masuk tempat semua Melayu? Sekarang pun dah tunggang langgang studies, apakan lagi dikelilingi orang kat sana? Silap hari bulan jadi rempit saja. Tak payah. Elok-elok he's this good boy akan dirosakkan by that place. Mak tahu yang mereka protes nak allow 10% non-bumi? Macam mana nak maju, kalau tak di bagi challenge sedikit."
"Actually, tak patut la mereka nak buat macam tu. Cina India banyak lagi tempat boleh pergi, biar saja UiTM tu jadi tempat Melayu."
I think I almost toppled over at that. I almost forgot, that my parents are one of those yang adamant about hak orang Melayu and whatshit. Alasan mereka, the Chinese and Indians are already doing so well, it's the Malays that need the help. Jika kita bagi ruang-ruang lagi untuk the non-bumis, the Malays will eventually have nothing left. And the Chinese especially, they are greedy, they will take everything, and not give back to the community, OUR community. So apa untungnya kita bagi can kat non-Bumis semua ni?
Ya Allah. Teruk sangat ke orang Melayu ni, sampai tidak boleh survive langsung if they don't have conditionals that assure them to be on higher grounds?
Bagi aku senang sahaja. Equal sahaja. Mahu the same treatment as Bumiputra? Takdehal, let go of privileges sebagai non-Bumi. Abolish all those segregative measures, such as Chinese schools, or Indian schools and whatshit. All go to the same school, study the same things, in the same language. Tapi aku pasti this one pun akan spark quite the drama, so nobody would dare yet pull this one out of the hat. So this one's for another day.
Why do they segregate so? Kenapa berpegang lagi kepada taktik British memastikan rakyat tidak bangun menentang colonization? Kenapa terlalu berpegang kepada ketuanan Melayu itu?
I probably can never fathom it, tapi aku juga tidak lupa yang asal-usul kejayaan sesetengah Malays are contributed to these 'privileges'. Good one, kamu yang reti take advantage of the privileges, make good use of it, and move on. But how about the rest, yang pemikiran tidak cukup capitalist untuk mengambil kesempatan akan peluang-peluang ini? Tetapi mereka yang pemikiran dan development lebih terbantut, kerana mereka sedar adanya this safety net?
Ah, tak dapat all As pun tidak mengapa, aku boleh masuk UiTM.
Tsk tsk. Nasib baik juga aku tidak tahu hujung pangkalnya UiTM ini menerima kemasukan berlandaskan apa, kalau tidak mesti aku tak mahu belajar sungguh-sungguh di bangku sekolah dulu.
Hey, UiTM ini adalah untuk membantu orang miskin. Melayu yang miskin. Well, nobody says it's gonna stop helping the poor Malays now did we? It's just 10%, 10% brought in to HELP the poor Malays to perform better. Dan cuba kamu fikir, the non-Bumis yang miskin pula bagaimana? Tiada siapa tolong bukan? Mungkin sebab itu they work harder, they save and invest their money better? Mungkin sebab itu they take advantage of every little opportunities they have, unlike that of the Bumiputras?
Tetapi orang Cina tamak. Bagi betis nak paha. Dan bila mereka sudah berjaya kerana mendapat allowances such as these sekalipun, mereka tak akan give back to our community. Mereka hanya akan mengayakan kaum mereka sahaja.
So? What do you expect? Kiri kanan atas bawah mereka diajar yang kerajaan lagi pentingkan kaum Bumi, apa lagi yang mereka boleh lakukan selain dari berusaha sendiri dan give back to their own community? Kerajaan takkan tolong mereka. Kau marah mereka racist? Memang benar mereka racist, memang benar kaum Cina greedy. But it's generations of terpaksa berusaha sendiri, terpaksa bayar cukai tapi tetap tidak punya safety nets the way the Malays have it that hardens them, teaches them to be the kind of people they are. Mungkin kaum Melayu pon patut terima treatment sebegini baru mereka boleh jadi orang yang berusaha keras seperti the Chinese? Lagi patutlah dilucutkan keistimewaan itu kan? Kau marah mereka racist? Mereka yang disegregate in the first place, and you are angry at them for treating you likewise? Kita pula for generations are taught to not worry too much, because kita ada back up, kita ada safety net. Memanglah lemah minda kita. It won't immediately change, it probably would take generations of hardship baru kita akan sedar, dan mula berdiri atas dua kaki sendiri.
Aku bukan entirely sokong non-Bumi. Ada masanya aku realize how greedy they are, and ungrateful yang aku akan point out kepada mereka, be grateful your ancestors came all the way here. Kau rasa apa akan jadi jika your poor ancestors stayed back in the currently over-populated India and China. So kepada yang sudah do well, kaya-raya, aku hanya akan suruh diam dan be grateful tok moyang kau bijak. Now use all that money and help your poor counterparts and not complain too much.
Biar sahaja yang Melayu ini semua hanyut dalam safety net mereka. So-called bantu Melayu konon. Tetapi kalau ada orang miskin yang datang rumah ke rumah meminta ihsan wang, kau mengeluh dan berkerut muka dan menyamar konon tiada di rumah. Kalau ada pengemis approach di tempat kamu habiskan RM 6 untuk kopi-kopi Cina di Kopitiam, berpaling kepala dengan sombong pula. Bila kamu berjalan-jalan di pasar malam dan nampak seorang budak tidak bertangan minta sedekah, kamu buat-buat tidak nampak pula. Mana tolong Melayu miskin kau? MANA?
Kau senang la cakap, kau dari keluarga yang senang. Mungkin benar. Aku tidak layak bersuara kerana I've lived a rather blessed life. Tetapi mari aku ceritakan asal-usul that easy life. Ibu aku berasal dari a big family. Adik-beradiknya 9 orang, datuk aku seorang polis, nenek aku tidak bekerja. Hidup di bandar, tetapi masih susah. Makanan, minuman semua ada kuota, untuk memastikan yang semuanya dapat setimpal. Mandi masih di perigi. Berjalan kaki sangat jauh ke sekolah. Bila datuk aku sudah mampu sedikit baru yang adik-adik dapat kesekolah menaiki bas. Datuk aku sangat menitikberatkan pelajaran. He was very strict. Namun begitu kerana duit tidak mencukupi, kebanyakan adik-beradik ibu aku yg lebih tua tidak dapat belajar tinggi-tinggi. Ibu aku di kira beruntung kerana dia adalah yang #6. Dan aku faham kenapa ibu aku menyokong hak-hak orang Melayu ini di jaga. Dia belajar di MRSM. Dia dihantar JPA belajar di UK walaupun result dia tidaklah hebat. Tetapi yang pentingnya, aku tahu ibu aku memang berusaha separa mati, satu kerana takutnya pada datuk aku, dan kerana ibuku mahu membuat perubahan dalam hidupnya, dan dia reti mengambil kesempatan akan privileges yang tersedia ada.
Bapa aku pula, boleh dikira anak orang kaya(standard zaman itu). Datuk aku dahulu guru besar, kemudiannya menjadi wakil rakyat di Kelantan. Dan kebiasaannya pula, disebabkan Kelantan ditadbir oleh PAS, maka mereka mempunyai kerajaan miskin yang tidak dapat membantu mereka seperti mana negeri-negeri lain mendapat bantuan. Sebab itu semua pun berdiri atas dua kaki sendiri, semua punya perniagaan sendiri. Semua adalah opportunists yang tidak mengharapkan bantuan dan ihsan kerajaan. Semua berusaha sendiri dan bantu siapa mereka boleh bantu. Dan mungkin kerana ini juga racism di Kelantan adalah sangat rendah. Selain daripada semua berloghat pekat yang sama, semua tidak obses dengan ketuanan bangsa masing-masing, semua mengalami masalah yang sama, tidak perlu nak dengki racist dengan kaum lain kerana mereka mendapat lebih. Barely la dapat lebih beb. Bapak aku agak senang hidupnya. Spoiled dan spoonfed la kan. Cuma fortunately, datuk aku bekas guru besar, bekas wakil rakyat yang garang dan lantang. Kalau kau berani jadi delinquent, cuba lah.
So al-kisahnya, bapa aku agak spoilt. My parents studied together in UK sent by JPA, they took the same course, but by the time my mother was done with school and about to go back to Malaysia, my dad was flunking his and was about to change his major and begin his studying years again. Nasib baik bapak aku still the good one. Lihat saja adik-adiknya. Yang dah biasa ditolong dan bertongkatkan duit datuk aku, datuk aku yang sekarang umur sudah 70 lebih, pencen, masih menyara hidup pakcik aku yang bongsu, yang sudah beranak bini. Pakcik aku diberi tanah, diberi kedai untuk diusahakan, dibelikan kereta, dihantar bininya sambung belajar kerana gatal dengan escapism, semua ihsan bantuan datuk aku. Apa hasilnya? Si pemalas yang sekali-sekala tidak malu telefon bapa aku meminta wang untuk beli komputer, PS2 dan handphone untuk bininya yang tidak sedar diri. Si tak malu yang akan pujuk aku tipu bapa aku konon handphone aku hilang, agar bapa aku belikan aku handphone baru supaya dia boleh ambil handphone aku. Pakcik aku yang lagi seorang, juga diberi minimart untuk diusahakan, diberi tempat tinggal, dan walaupun yang ini lebih berusaha daripada yang lagi satu, masih jelas kelihatan tidak cukup berusaha kerana mereka ada safety net. Bapaku si anak sulung, ibuku yang bagaikan kakak mereka sendiri, serta datukku yang tidak akan sampai hati tidak menolong mereka.
Apa pointnya. One point, I'm aware of how these privileges have had helped many poor students, I'm aware juga yang at two different end of the spectrums, people treat that privilege differently. Seorang anggap ianya safety net, that puts a halt to their ability to go beyond what they can be. Dan seorang anggap ianya opportunity to be taken advantage of, and thrive harder and be the best that they can be. The problem is, too many are thinking of it as safety nets, than as leverage to keep them on the same level. I say, 10% is nothing compared to the good it will bring them poorly performing Malays. Dan whatever mengurangkan jurang segregation of Malaysians will eventually be an advantage to us, maybe not in the near future, but of generations to come.
Aku tidak pernah aware akan betapa banyaknya hak Bumiputra as I was growing up. Satu mungkin kerana aku kurang alert dalam kelas during Sejarah Malaysia. Tetapi I've lived my life not realizing the safety nets I have, so I thrive and grab opportunities wherever I can, believing yang me and the rest of the races are on equal grounds. Believing that aku hanya punya diri aku sendiri, nobody's going to help me if I screw up. I thrive to be the best I can be because datuk aku garang pasal education, because being the best means I'll have the best options later in life, because aku rasa aku tidak boleh jadi miskin dan hidup susah, kerana aku tidak tahu yang rupanya kerajaan sangat banyak membantu orang-orang Melayu.
Sekarang rata-rata most companies would prefer hiring graduates from IPTS. One survey was once done back in 2003/2004, I can't remember. Most employers do not want to hire graduates from IPTA, because they do only what is necessary, never more than is required of them. They don't have the required proficiency in English, not trained to be multi-taskers, and doesn't have enough extra skillsets, yet have the gall to ask for lucrative starting salaries. Itu pendapat employers, bukan kata aku.
During YTM scholarship interview back in Melaka, we were interviewed 5 candidates at a time. I was the only one who went to a day school, rather than boarding schools during that session. The interviewer asked.
"Which is the better student, the one who gets 8 As studying in boarding school, or 8As studying in a day school?"
Salah seorang budak sekolah asrama: "Tiada bezanya, kerana SPM itu dimana-mana sekolah pun soalannya sama."
Aku: "Of course, getting 8 As as a student from a day school proves you're a better student, than that of boarding school."
Student lain tersentak dan mula usha panas.
Interviewer tersenyum sinis, intrigue ataupun sudah tahu jawabnya, aku tidak tahu. Dia bertanya: "Oh really? Why so?"
"The boarding school students are so spoonfed. They are in the environment where teachers are constantly around them. They are forced to go to night preps, and disciplined to sleep early rise early. They are given so many help, therefore, they should not get just 8As, they should get straight As. The students from day school are left on their own immediately after the teachers leave the classroom. They have to go to their teachers personally for any extra help, and IF they're lucky, they'll get it. They are the ones who work on their own free time, they are the ones who searched high and low for good tuition classes, they are the ones who did practices on topical books and past year papers while kids from MRSM get leaked question papers from their teachers. They are the ones who do not have fixed study time like the privileged students in boarding schools but are able to manage their own time for such purposes. They are the ones with freedom and distractions, and busy parents that can't monitor them all the time, but realize on their own what they have to do to get what they want, to where they want to be. In the end, in the University, where spoonfeeding wouldn't be as rampant as it was for them back then, the better students are the day school students, who would be more hardworking and resourceful due to the environment they were brought up in."
After a long pause from all the other candidates, arguments ensued. I retracted what I can by saying, not all. But most, and most likely. But I still stand my ground on this, then in that room, and now. So don't start bashing me for this statement. It's only my opinion to show that it's only human nature to strive harder in face of realizing what they can lose, in thinking that they have no safety nets. And kalau dah dasar manusia, semua pun dengki, competition will do good. Use that kekiasuan untuk kejayaan diri sendiri. But that's just what I think. Kalau the students of UiTM dah cukup berbangga dengan pencapaian mereka, dan tidak gusar langsung tentang inability of their graduates to compete with graduates from better IPTAs such as UIA and graduates from IPTS, then go on ahead protesting. Siapa aku nak bersuara kan?
Sebagai seorang capitalist, aku hanya akan marah jika the Bumiputra discount on properties and real estates ditarik balik. Tidak perlu equality di sini ya, aku mahu meraih untung lebih banyak dengan kos lebih rendah. Sekian terima kasih.
"What do you think about the plan to allocate 10% for non-bumiputra to gain admittance into UiTM?"
"Whaaa~? There's only bumiputra in UiTM? I never knew that?"
"Duhh, teruk gila you ni. Memang UiTM gitu kot."
"Mana I nak tahu, nobody told me that. No wonder la outcome dia mostly sucks."
"So, what do you think about it?"
"I think it's a good move, competition sikit. Kalau semua kelompok kaum sendiri macam mana nak maju?"
"Yeah, but budak-budak UiTM tengah protes."
"Eh, kenapa nak protes?"
"Yeah lah, something about their hak and keistimewaan orang Melayu tu."
Aiks. Kata tadi bumiputra. Setahu aku yang benar-benar sebenar-benarnya bumiputra adalah golongan pribumi, orang-orang Asli. Melayu ni dapat tempias sahaja, sebab dia sampai dulu dari yang Cina dan yang India saja. Awat depa yang sebok nak protes dengan alasan lagu tu?
Ibu aku risaukan future adik lelaki aku yang malas. I'm absolutely clueless about how else to inspire greatness, so sekarang aku tidak lagi membebel, cuma impose some rules here and there to enforce discipline, serta resort to berdoa sahaja. Regarding the rules, #4 tidak berpuas hati kerana dia yang memang sudah berdisiplin dan rajin terpaksa di'punish' juga kerana kemalasan abangnya. Aku cuba justify.
"It's okay, next year when you have your major exams, everybody else will lose the privileges like you would."
"But by that time Abang would be in university, so #5 saja yang akan suffer my fate now!"
"Your brother? University? With that result? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAH."
Mak aku mencelah.
"Dengar tu, people laugh at the idea of YOU going to university."
"University apa yang nak terima awak dengan result macam tu? Siapa yang nak bagi scholarship dengan result macam tu? You have to buck up man. I don't want you to go to some loser uni. I suggest you get into UIA, paling-paling hina IPTA I'll let you get into pun is UM."
Mak aku bersuara ganggu aku membebel. "Alah, masuk UiTM saja."
"Ah, hell no. Nak mati? Masuk tempat semua Melayu? Sekarang pun dah tunggang langgang studies, apakan lagi dikelilingi orang kat sana? Silap hari bulan jadi rempit saja. Tak payah. Elok-elok he's this good boy akan dirosakkan by that place. Mak tahu yang mereka protes nak allow 10% non-bumi? Macam mana nak maju, kalau tak di bagi challenge sedikit."
"Actually, tak patut la mereka nak buat macam tu. Cina India banyak lagi tempat boleh pergi, biar saja UiTM tu jadi tempat Melayu."
I think I almost toppled over at that. I almost forgot, that my parents are one of those yang adamant about hak orang Melayu and whatshit. Alasan mereka, the Chinese and Indians are already doing so well, it's the Malays that need the help. Jika kita bagi ruang-ruang lagi untuk the non-bumis, the Malays will eventually have nothing left. And the Chinese especially, they are greedy, they will take everything, and not give back to the community, OUR community. So apa untungnya kita bagi can kat non-Bumis semua ni?
Ya Allah. Teruk sangat ke orang Melayu ni, sampai tidak boleh survive langsung if they don't have conditionals that assure them to be on higher grounds?
Bagi aku senang sahaja. Equal sahaja. Mahu the same treatment as Bumiputra? Takdehal, let go of privileges sebagai non-Bumi. Abolish all those segregative measures, such as Chinese schools, or Indian schools and whatshit. All go to the same school, study the same things, in the same language. Tapi aku pasti this one pun akan spark quite the drama, so nobody would dare yet pull this one out of the hat. So this one's for another day.
Why do they segregate so? Kenapa berpegang lagi kepada taktik British memastikan rakyat tidak bangun menentang colonization? Kenapa terlalu berpegang kepada ketuanan Melayu itu?
I probably can never fathom it, tapi aku juga tidak lupa yang asal-usul kejayaan sesetengah Malays are contributed to these 'privileges'. Good one, kamu yang reti take advantage of the privileges, make good use of it, and move on. But how about the rest, yang pemikiran tidak cukup capitalist untuk mengambil kesempatan akan peluang-peluang ini? Tetapi mereka yang pemikiran dan development lebih terbantut, kerana mereka sedar adanya this safety net?
Ah, tak dapat all As pun tidak mengapa, aku boleh masuk UiTM.
Tsk tsk. Nasib baik juga aku tidak tahu hujung pangkalnya UiTM ini menerima kemasukan berlandaskan apa, kalau tidak mesti aku tak mahu belajar sungguh-sungguh di bangku sekolah dulu.
Hey, UiTM ini adalah untuk membantu orang miskin. Melayu yang miskin. Well, nobody says it's gonna stop helping the poor Malays now did we? It's just 10%, 10% brought in to HELP the poor Malays to perform better. Dan cuba kamu fikir, the non-Bumis yang miskin pula bagaimana? Tiada siapa tolong bukan? Mungkin sebab itu they work harder, they save and invest their money better? Mungkin sebab itu they take advantage of every little opportunities they have, unlike that of the Bumiputras?
Tetapi orang Cina tamak. Bagi betis nak paha. Dan bila mereka sudah berjaya kerana mendapat allowances such as these sekalipun, mereka tak akan give back to our community. Mereka hanya akan mengayakan kaum mereka sahaja.
So? What do you expect? Kiri kanan atas bawah mereka diajar yang kerajaan lagi pentingkan kaum Bumi, apa lagi yang mereka boleh lakukan selain dari berusaha sendiri dan give back to their own community? Kerajaan takkan tolong mereka. Kau marah mereka racist? Memang benar mereka racist, memang benar kaum Cina greedy. But it's generations of terpaksa berusaha sendiri, terpaksa bayar cukai tapi tetap tidak punya safety nets the way the Malays have it that hardens them, teaches them to be the kind of people they are. Mungkin kaum Melayu pon patut terima treatment sebegini baru mereka boleh jadi orang yang berusaha keras seperti the Chinese? Lagi patutlah dilucutkan keistimewaan itu kan? Kau marah mereka racist? Mereka yang disegregate in the first place, and you are angry at them for treating you likewise? Kita pula for generations are taught to not worry too much, because kita ada back up, kita ada safety net. Memanglah lemah minda kita. It won't immediately change, it probably would take generations of hardship baru kita akan sedar, dan mula berdiri atas dua kaki sendiri.
Aku bukan entirely sokong non-Bumi. Ada masanya aku realize how greedy they are, and ungrateful yang aku akan point out kepada mereka, be grateful your ancestors came all the way here. Kau rasa apa akan jadi jika your poor ancestors stayed back in the currently over-populated India and China. So kepada yang sudah do well, kaya-raya, aku hanya akan suruh diam dan be grateful tok moyang kau bijak. Now use all that money and help your poor counterparts and not complain too much.
Biar sahaja yang Melayu ini semua hanyut dalam safety net mereka. So-called bantu Melayu konon. Tetapi kalau ada orang miskin yang datang rumah ke rumah meminta ihsan wang, kau mengeluh dan berkerut muka dan menyamar konon tiada di rumah. Kalau ada pengemis approach di tempat kamu habiskan RM 6 untuk kopi-kopi Cina di Kopitiam, berpaling kepala dengan sombong pula. Bila kamu berjalan-jalan di pasar malam dan nampak seorang budak tidak bertangan minta sedekah, kamu buat-buat tidak nampak pula. Mana tolong Melayu miskin kau? MANA?
Kau senang la cakap, kau dari keluarga yang senang. Mungkin benar. Aku tidak layak bersuara kerana I've lived a rather blessed life. Tetapi mari aku ceritakan asal-usul that easy life. Ibu aku berasal dari a big family. Adik-beradiknya 9 orang, datuk aku seorang polis, nenek aku tidak bekerja. Hidup di bandar, tetapi masih susah. Makanan, minuman semua ada kuota, untuk memastikan yang semuanya dapat setimpal. Mandi masih di perigi. Berjalan kaki sangat jauh ke sekolah. Bila datuk aku sudah mampu sedikit baru yang adik-adik dapat kesekolah menaiki bas. Datuk aku sangat menitikberatkan pelajaran. He was very strict. Namun begitu kerana duit tidak mencukupi, kebanyakan adik-beradik ibu aku yg lebih tua tidak dapat belajar tinggi-tinggi. Ibu aku di kira beruntung kerana dia adalah yang #6. Dan aku faham kenapa ibu aku menyokong hak-hak orang Melayu ini di jaga. Dia belajar di MRSM. Dia dihantar JPA belajar di UK walaupun result dia tidaklah hebat. Tetapi yang pentingnya, aku tahu ibu aku memang berusaha separa mati, satu kerana takutnya pada datuk aku, dan kerana ibuku mahu membuat perubahan dalam hidupnya, dan dia reti mengambil kesempatan akan privileges yang tersedia ada.
Bapa aku pula, boleh dikira anak orang kaya(standard zaman itu). Datuk aku dahulu guru besar, kemudiannya menjadi wakil rakyat di Kelantan. Dan kebiasaannya pula, disebabkan Kelantan ditadbir oleh PAS, maka mereka mempunyai kerajaan miskin yang tidak dapat membantu mereka seperti mana negeri-negeri lain mendapat bantuan. Sebab itu semua pun berdiri atas dua kaki sendiri, semua punya perniagaan sendiri. Semua adalah opportunists yang tidak mengharapkan bantuan dan ihsan kerajaan. Semua berusaha sendiri dan bantu siapa mereka boleh bantu. Dan mungkin kerana ini juga racism di Kelantan adalah sangat rendah. Selain daripada semua berloghat pekat yang sama, semua tidak obses dengan ketuanan bangsa masing-masing, semua mengalami masalah yang sama, tidak perlu nak dengki racist dengan kaum lain kerana mereka mendapat lebih. Barely la dapat lebih beb. Bapak aku agak senang hidupnya. Spoiled dan spoonfed la kan. Cuma fortunately, datuk aku bekas guru besar, bekas wakil rakyat yang garang dan lantang. Kalau kau berani jadi delinquent, cuba lah.
So al-kisahnya, bapa aku agak spoilt. My parents studied together in UK sent by JPA, they took the same course, but by the time my mother was done with school and about to go back to Malaysia, my dad was flunking his and was about to change his major and begin his studying years again. Nasib baik bapak aku still the good one. Lihat saja adik-adiknya. Yang dah biasa ditolong dan bertongkatkan duit datuk aku, datuk aku yang sekarang umur sudah 70 lebih, pencen, masih menyara hidup pakcik aku yang bongsu, yang sudah beranak bini. Pakcik aku diberi tanah, diberi kedai untuk diusahakan, dibelikan kereta, dihantar bininya sambung belajar kerana gatal dengan escapism, semua ihsan bantuan datuk aku. Apa hasilnya? Si pemalas yang sekali-sekala tidak malu telefon bapa aku meminta wang untuk beli komputer, PS2 dan handphone untuk bininya yang tidak sedar diri. Si tak malu yang akan pujuk aku tipu bapa aku konon handphone aku hilang, agar bapa aku belikan aku handphone baru supaya dia boleh ambil handphone aku. Pakcik aku yang lagi seorang, juga diberi minimart untuk diusahakan, diberi tempat tinggal, dan walaupun yang ini lebih berusaha daripada yang lagi satu, masih jelas kelihatan tidak cukup berusaha kerana mereka ada safety net. Bapaku si anak sulung, ibuku yang bagaikan kakak mereka sendiri, serta datukku yang tidak akan sampai hati tidak menolong mereka.
Apa pointnya. One point, I'm aware of how these privileges have had helped many poor students, I'm aware juga yang at two different end of the spectrums, people treat that privilege differently. Seorang anggap ianya safety net, that puts a halt to their ability to go beyond what they can be. Dan seorang anggap ianya opportunity to be taken advantage of, and thrive harder and be the best that they can be. The problem is, too many are thinking of it as safety nets, than as leverage to keep them on the same level. I say, 10% is nothing compared to the good it will bring them poorly performing Malays. Dan whatever mengurangkan jurang segregation of Malaysians will eventually be an advantage to us, maybe not in the near future, but of generations to come.
Aku tidak pernah aware akan betapa banyaknya hak Bumiputra as I was growing up. Satu mungkin kerana aku kurang alert dalam kelas during Sejarah Malaysia. Tetapi I've lived my life not realizing the safety nets I have, so I thrive and grab opportunities wherever I can, believing yang me and the rest of the races are on equal grounds. Believing that aku hanya punya diri aku sendiri, nobody's going to help me if I screw up. I thrive to be the best I can be because datuk aku garang pasal education, because being the best means I'll have the best options later in life, because aku rasa aku tidak boleh jadi miskin dan hidup susah, kerana aku tidak tahu yang rupanya kerajaan sangat banyak membantu orang-orang Melayu.
Sekarang rata-rata most companies would prefer hiring graduates from IPTS. One survey was once done back in 2003/2004, I can't remember. Most employers do not want to hire graduates from IPTA, because they do only what is necessary, never more than is required of them. They don't have the required proficiency in English, not trained to be multi-taskers, and doesn't have enough extra skillsets, yet have the gall to ask for lucrative starting salaries. Itu pendapat employers, bukan kata aku.
During YTM scholarship interview back in Melaka, we were interviewed 5 candidates at a time. I was the only one who went to a day school, rather than boarding schools during that session. The interviewer asked.
"Which is the better student, the one who gets 8 As studying in boarding school, or 8As studying in a day school?"
Salah seorang budak sekolah asrama: "Tiada bezanya, kerana SPM itu dimana-mana sekolah pun soalannya sama."
Aku: "Of course, getting 8 As as a student from a day school proves you're a better student, than that of boarding school."
Student lain tersentak dan mula usha panas.
Interviewer tersenyum sinis, intrigue ataupun sudah tahu jawabnya, aku tidak tahu. Dia bertanya: "Oh really? Why so?"
"The boarding school students are so spoonfed. They are in the environment where teachers are constantly around them. They are forced to go to night preps, and disciplined to sleep early rise early. They are given so many help, therefore, they should not get just 8As, they should get straight As. The students from day school are left on their own immediately after the teachers leave the classroom. They have to go to their teachers personally for any extra help, and IF they're lucky, they'll get it. They are the ones who work on their own free time, they are the ones who searched high and low for good tuition classes, they are the ones who did practices on topical books and past year papers while kids from MRSM get leaked question papers from their teachers. They are the ones who do not have fixed study time like the privileged students in boarding schools but are able to manage their own time for such purposes. They are the ones with freedom and distractions, and busy parents that can't monitor them all the time, but realize on their own what they have to do to get what they want, to where they want to be. In the end, in the University, where spoonfeeding wouldn't be as rampant as it was for them back then, the better students are the day school students, who would be more hardworking and resourceful due to the environment they were brought up in."
After a long pause from all the other candidates, arguments ensued. I retracted what I can by saying, not all. But most, and most likely. But I still stand my ground on this, then in that room, and now. So don't start bashing me for this statement. It's only my opinion to show that it's only human nature to strive harder in face of realizing what they can lose, in thinking that they have no safety nets. And kalau dah dasar manusia, semua pun dengki, competition will do good. Use that kekiasuan untuk kejayaan diri sendiri. But that's just what I think. Kalau the students of UiTM dah cukup berbangga dengan pencapaian mereka, dan tidak gusar langsung tentang inability of their graduates to compete with graduates from better IPTAs such as UIA and graduates from IPTS, then go on ahead protesting. Siapa aku nak bersuara kan?
Sebagai seorang capitalist, aku hanya akan marah jika the Bumiputra discount on properties and real estates ditarik balik. Tidak perlu equality di sini ya, aku mahu meraih untung lebih banyak dengan kos lebih rendah. Sekian terima kasih.
memang budak budak asrama nih tak patut. bukan setakat tuh jeh, dah tentu cikgu diaorang semua banyak yang buat soalan spm senang senang je leh bagi soalan bocor. kalau boleh nak tolong macam macam lagi cara cheating so that sekolah dapat result bagos. kepentingan derang bukan pelajar bagos tapi imej sekolah. macamana aku tahu semua nih, sebab aku dulu sbp ah lalz.
tapi ketuanan melayu jangan main eh. nih abang redneck melayu, ekau jangan cubo. takkan melayu hilang di dunia! assabiyah cara hidup paling optima dalam dunia!
you know, scrolling down while reading this entry gave me a finger cramp. gila panjang sial and gila bersemangat anda tulis.
i see your well elaborated points and i agree, whole heartedly. these are the things we've discussed many countless times when pgnotjohn, aie and i get together. well some of it anyway.
and pasal uitm, recently i asked a friend about her point of view on this and it shocked me to hear that she's anti the idea of 10% of non bumis in uitm. something was mentioned about it's hard for malays to get into ipta's established by cina. i kept my mouth shut coz takde mood nak argue.
and jawapan u kasi masa interview telekom dulu, wah, terbaik. hahahaha.
malas comment ar..i senyum jaa ok?
penyangak: baik abg redneck. wa mmg chuak sama lu. see ya when the cops round up all the rempits rallying for malay supremacy!
a.aini: i agree to a certain extent juga regarding the discriminations malays get from chinese juga. but reciprocal lah, u do u get the same lah, whadya expect.
eryzal: senyum pon cukup. thanx :)
i'm in uitm, pre-law.
and i was from a boarding school. all-girls, nonetheless. heh.
it's sad to see what is the general perception that people have of us.
it's even more tiring when i am well aware of the mould i'm putting myself into, and proving that i'm not what people perceive i am is such a pain in the ass.
i didn't go to boarding school by choice, rather it was my overbearing stereotypical conservative parents that forced it on me.
i rejected a scholarship to read law in the uk, because to me uitm is where i can do justice to what i want to do, which is essentially to get a reputable degree and earn my own reputation in international debating.
so in the end, i'm happy with where i am, because i'm doing exactly what i've always wanted.
but yeah, it all turned into a mess after the anti-10% non-bumiputera rally.
let me just clarify that i totally dissociate myself with it, and that i do not condone any part of its self-righteousness.
I was ex-uitm. i dont mind 10%. i agree to it 100%. aku bukan melayu, tapi aku bumiputera..yang melebih-lebih ni, melayu. sorry no offence tapi ko tengok la, asal je ada yang provoke hak melayu, they will all stand up and unite for their rights yang they obviously take for granted. Bila rasa terancam je, mula la demonstrate. Duh..lame
For a.aini : eh, u're not in my blogroll, ngapa sih, udah ku add duluan? rindu kat ekau la dotty..*yarks..
Penyangak : aku dolu pun SBP tapi cikgu cikgi minat kat budak pandai je..aku dapat satu je B time PMR pon dah tak kena pandang..masa form 4, ingat nak keluar dari situ, tapi sebab mak bapak tak kasi..terus la aku jadi budak SBP sampai form 5 dan akhirnya lingkup subjek sains. oh well, i dont quite mind already sebab i know i dont love it. apa kaitannya dengan topik? takda. Saja menceritakan sejarah silam
iqanabeera: General perception will always be there. Majority rules right? Haih~
I know what you mean about putting ourselves in a mould that we don't identify with, and trying to prove what is commonly connoted doesn't necessarily apply to us. But I just learned that I don't need people to understand or accept me. Just let me be.
I'm sure you're the special few who proves any common perceptions wrong.
Keep it up :)
Felicia: That's the thing. The actual bumiputras relax ja. Because they have more substance mungkin. Dari tin-tin kosong yang lain. No worries. I don't take offence. My Malayness was recently questioned by a very Malay person cos I don't own a kebaya. And I don't know what Citrawarna is. And cos I don't learn my moral values from Cerekarama. :)
And I don't know what Citrawarna is. And cos I don't learn my moral values from Cerekarama. :)
i could quote you on that anytime.. :)
tulah pasal rindu sial kat cik ungu (bukan nama sebeno)...so biler i balik cuti lama sket (kl boss bg cuti), kita jadi melayu yg minum kat kopitiam dan diskus pasal isu2 semasa.
Rindu sial meh? Haha. It's been years rasanya since we last chat. Miss you lots.
I lagi suka diskus gosip terbaru. Amacam? :p
Balek bwk pressies plz. Kalo x i tarik ur hair
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